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Reflections of 2022

Hello Friends! This is Brenda Sue Jean Louise Jolene the 3rd here. Welcome to 2023! I don’t know if we should be terrified or excited! As I sat down to write the newsletter without an idea in my head, I thought of the Crew of Ohm-g and reflected on all of the change that has occurred for each one of us. I decided to pull a card to go along with the newsletter and it couldn’t have been more perfect. The card was Raise Them Up from the Seeker Oracle deck. The booklet speaks to how we can’t always choose our family but we can choose our friends. “The best friends we can have are those who encourage and support us. Their belief-their faith in us-strengthens our belief in ourselves.” No truer words have been spoken about our little crew. We are there to support each other in good and bad times. To listen to each other as we work through our own personal healing journeys and to offer support, even if just a hug or a non-judgmental ear to hear what is going on inside.

My own journey has been a year of self-acceptance. I have come out of the woo closet, I have faced the retribution of those who think I’m working for the “wrong” side. I have learned to accept that approval will not come and that I can be okay with that. I understand that we are all on our own journey and act and react from our own experiences and BS aka belief system. Imagine if we were all the same?! There would be no opportunity for growth within ourselves. As we come up against the resistance we are better able to uncover our deeper wounds. I have had the pleasure of working with two amazing healers this last year. Carly Sink has uncovered deep ancestral wounds through Kambo medicine that has helped to peel away layers of unworthiness and pain. Through our Cacao Ceremonies, my heart has opened more and more to the love that we all possess and that we intrinsically already are. Though my work with Melissa Sparrow I was able to delve into past life wounds and heal those through her beautiful Light Language healing.

I have loved seeing the other crew members of the podcast grow and heal. This year of friendship and support from each of them has been the greatest gift.

So what now is my desire for 2023? I’m not really sure! I always say financial abundance, it is the one thing that would give me the freedom to do the things I want to do. I would love to travel and have new experiences in unfamiliar places. I would love to have the money to help out the people that I care about. To give them a leg up in life to succeed. But on reflection, this year has been priceless. The feeling I have inside of contentment and peace within is more valuable than money. The friendships and connections are priceless and worth far more than money in the bank.

I offer gratitude to the people who have come into my life over the last year. Gratitude for each experience, gratitude for my clients who give me as much as I offer them. Gratitude for my Ohm-g Podcast friends and for each of you who listen and interact with us on our Woo Woo Wisdom Friday’s and on our social media outlets.

Blessings and love to each of you on your own journey through life. Thank you for joining us for 2022 and we look forward to connecting with each of you over the coming years.

Much Love,

Brenda Sue

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